The <footer>
HTML element represents a footer for its nearest
ancestor sectioning content or sectioning root element. A <footer>
typically contains information about the author of the section, copyright data
or links to related documents.
The footer will stick to the bottom of the screen (min-height: 100vh) with
the main content element given the class of .body-content
This footer is a section at the bottom of ICPSR pages that holds information
like social media links, legal copy, and links. Footers can technically
exist in other containing elements, so we need to add a .site-footer
on the footer
element to specify the main site footer. There is
an optional section for extra information.
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required - newsletter link
required .footer-archive-logos
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<strong>Anishinaabe Land Transfer:</strong> The University of Michigan
is located on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe people. In
1817, the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Bodewadami Nations made the largest single
land transfer to the University of Michigan. This was offered
ceremonially as a gift through the Treaty at the Foot of the Rapids so
that their children could be educated. Through these words of
acknowledgment, their contemporary and ancestral ties to the land and
their contributions to the University are renewed and reaffirmed.
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© 2023 The
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>Regents of the University of Michigan</a
>. ICPSR is part of the
<a href="">Institute for Social Research</a>
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<strong>Anishinaabe Land Transfer:</strong> The University of Michigan
is located on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe people. In
1817, the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Bodewadami Nations made the largest single
land transfer to the University of Michigan. This was offered
ceremonially as a gift through the Treaty at the Foot of the Rapids so
that their children could be educated. Through these words of
acknowledgment, their contemporary and ancestral ties to the land and
their contributions to the University are renewed and reaffirmed.
<div class="footer-copyright">
© 2023 The
<a href=""
>Regents of the University of Michigan</a
>. ICPSR is part of the
<a href="">Institute for Social Research</a>
at the <a href="">University of Michigan</a>.
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